KV-2: guide. Review of the KV-2 heavy tank, tips, strengths and weaknesses

Hello to all guests of the site aces.gg in general and fans of Soviet tanks in particular! Why Soviet? Yes, because now we will talk about the legendary vehicle, which is at the sixth level in the USSR development tree - the KV-2 heavy tank.

This tank gets into battles from the 6th to the 8th level inclusive, but even being at the bottom of the list, many people are afraid of this tank, and now you will find out why.

Performance characteristics of the KV-2 tank World of Tanks

Speaking about the technical characteristics of the KV-2 guide, we can say with confidence that this vehicle does not have the largest margin of safety among sixth-level heavy vehicles, has mediocre armor, mediocre mobility and frankly poor visibility.

Regarding armor, sometimes you can only deflect a shell with a gun mantlet; ours is quite strong, but it’s certainly not worth competing with level 8 tanks. So what's good about the KV-2 and why are even high school students afraid of it? It's all about the weapon, which we'll talk about.

General information on the tank

The KV-2 tank is at the 6th level of development of the Soviet tank branch. This unit has the TT class (heavy tank) and serves mainly to suppress enemy forces. Regarding the real prototype, this tank existed and took an active part in real combat battles. He was known as the "impenetrable giant" and struck fear into enemy forces. The tank is primarily known for its high-explosive gun and strong armor. It has a fairly wide application in the game, but at the fan level.


As you can see, the KV-2 in the World of Tanks guide has two barrels available, one of the sixth level, the second of the seventh. But what everyone loves this tank for and why it is famous is precisely the pre-top gun.

The 152 mm M-10 gun, better known as the “drynomet”, is a very powerful high-explosive weapon with a single damage of as much as 700 units with an armor-piercing projectile and as much as 910 with a high-explosive one, of course, provided that the landmine completely penetrates the enemy’s armor.

Thus, even if you are at the bottom of the list and shoot an unlucky enemy in a vulnerable spot, you will cause significant damage to even a heavy tank, not to mention a medium one, and even more so a light one, which may not survive such a shot at all.

As for the battles at the top, for every KV-2 driver they are simply a source of unbridled fun, because killing most tanks with one shot is an indescribable feeling. You can watch the KV-2 guide from Jov and see the joy of this water maker from a successful shot.

Otherwise, this weapon has a long reload and aiming time, as well as a large dispersion, but what did you want from a high-explosive weapon?!


From everything we can conclude that KV-2 has:

  • Excellent 152 mm gun
  • Not bad hull armor
  • Choice of shells
  • Free layout for the crew

And among the shortcomings of our tank is -

  • Weak sides of the tower
  • Slow and not agile tank.
  • Very long reload
  • Long renovation.

Before the advent of the American branch of tanks, our tank destroyed every living thing on the battlefield. Then it was possible to ram and destroy enemies in batches without fear. After all, German tanks at this level do not shine with armor, and I knew the weak points of Soviet tanks. But everything changed, an American and British branch of tanks appeared. Competition between tanks has intensified. Now it’s difficult for us to conduct active hostilities like then, because a bunch of “campers” have appeared trying to destroy you as the weak link of the team.

You don't need to prove your strength in battle. One shot at the enemy is enough, fireworks and an explosion of the enemy tank, as well as a lot of violent emotions among the enemies.

At the moment, the appropriate tactic for the KV-2 is an ambush with an active change of points. Due to the long reload time, we will need a firing point with good cover. To do this, you need not only to find a place but also to remember it for the future. And now you have occupied one of the good firing points from which you can see the enemy flank or base. Your goal is to destroy the enemy and provide fire support to your allies. And that's more than enough. When an enemy is spotted, you roll out of cover, shoot and stand in cover for 30 seconds. After recharging we start all over again. It’s also worth changing positions to always be near the center of events. Your goal is to help, not to be a hero. Although at the end, when there are fewer and fewer enemies, you can go out into the open and shoot at the remaining losers. Also, do not forget about air strikes from which you are unlikely to escape. Therefore, look for reliable shelter.

The tank's combat rating is 5.0. This means our enemies are: Su-152, T-34-85, Tiger I, Sherman, etc.

You shouldn't have any problems with most enemies. So go for it.

Equipment for KV-2

Looking at the pros and cons of a given tank, equipment should be selected in order to strengthen its strongest side, that is, the weapon, and try to neutralize the shortcomings.

To do this, you just need to install: • — speed up reloading and raise your DPM; • — slightly increase the aiming speed and accuracy; • - to increase all the characteristics of the crew.

Many people will ask why not put it in, since our review is poor. The answer is simple - this 10% review will give us practically nothing, the tank will remain just as blind. As for the installation, this is, to put it mildly, incorrect, because our oblique high-explosive weapon is not intended for standing in the bushes and shooting at long distances.

Tank characteristics

The KV-2 tank is a pumpable vehicle, which indicates its variability in relation to its characteristics. At first the tank doesn't perform very well due to its weak gun and engine. But if you upgrade it to the top component, then you can already try out all its strengths. For the KV-2, characteristics play an important role in personal effectiveness. Knowing all the nuances and indicators of your steel machine, you can achieve incredibly high results in battles.

So, regarding the indicators themselves (top-end configuration):

  • strength - 860 units;
  • weight - 61 tons;
  • overview - 330 meters;
  • communication range - 440 meters;
  • maximum speed - 15 km/h;
  • turn - 180;

Booking figures:

  • hull mm (front/sides/stern): 75-75-50;
  • turret mm (front/sides/stern): 75/75/70;

Leveling up the KV-2 crew

To begin with, the best choice would be to upgrade the commander and all other crew members. This will allow us to escape from artillery shells when illuminated, and also to quickly repair the harp and other modules, because the stationary KV-2 quickly dies under the enemy’s focus.

The second stage is to upgrade the commander to “Repair” and focus on the other crew members: • Gunner – , again for accuracy; • Driver – will slightly increase our mobility on soft soils; • Radio operator – ; • Loaders – we choose the first one, and the second one.

In the third stage, all crew members are pumped up, which will increase all the characteristics, and then you can choose whatever your heart desires, of course, if you have pumped up enough.

Crew skills and equipment

After we reviewed the KV-2 in World of Tank, it is worth paying attention to an equally important part: the equipment and skills of the crew.

To complete the equipment it is best to use:

  • small repair kit;
  • fire extinguisher;
  • small first aid kit.

As additional equipment:

  • rammer;
  • stabilizer;
  • improved ventilation.

How to play the KV-2? It is this situation that will allow you to play effectively at medium distances and have a chance to come out alive after head-on collisions. Again, everything will depend on the weapons, which we will look at a little later.

In the meantime, it’s worth considering the set of skills for the crew (in order of learning them):

Commander: light bulb, repair, brotherhood, jack of all trades, eagle eye;

Gunner: repair, smooth rotation of the turret, military brotherhood, master gunsmith, vindictive;

Mechanic-driver: repair, king of off-road, military brotherhood, virtuoso, smooth ride.

Radio operator: repair, radio interception, military brotherhood, inventor, repeater.

Loader: repair, non-contact ammunition storage, combat brotherhood, camouflage, fire extinguishing.

Loader: repair, desperate, brotherhood, camouflage, firefighting.

Tips for playing the KV-2

As for the tactics of playing the KV-2 guide, the main thing you need to know is that each battle is based on the features of our weapon. That is, you need to lean out, take a shot and hide while the gun is reloading.

It is also worth understanding that this tank performs better on city maps, since in most cases you have the opportunity to hide your rather large hull behind ruins or drive behind a building. And it will be much more difficult for artillerymen in the city to hit us.

Another important factor is that you should not ride the KV-2 alone, since due to the long reload time of the gun, you become an easy target for many other tanks. While you are reloading, you need 1-2 allies to cover you. In addition, nearby allied equipment compensates for our short view.

And finally, it remains to be said that if you are at the top of the list in battle, you can take courage, as there is a good chance to play with armor and kill low-level enemies with one shot. But in battles with high levels, act very carefully, do not hesitate to hide behind allied heavy tanks, because here you are more of a second-line tank, although you should be primarily at the forefront of the attack.

Historical reference

In 1938, recent students of the Stalin Military Academy of Mechanization and Motorization got an internship at the Kirov Plant. Under the supervision of the more experienced Ermolaev and Sychev, they are developing the first project “Klim Voroshilov”. At the end of this stage, Nikolai Leonidovich Dukhov heads the group as the lead designer. Already in August 1939, the first KV was assembled and went to Kubinka to demonstrate the equipment. In the same year, the tank passed factory tests and took part in the first battles on the Karelian Isthmus. The vehicle was accepted into service on December 19, 1939.

KV-2 - TANK KILLER! RUSSIAN STEEL MONSTER - “He terrified the enemy!”

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Review of the Tier VI Soviet heavy tank KV-2 in World of Tanks

In this article, I propose to consider the combat characteristics of the Tier 6 heavy tank KV-2. The Internet is full of reviews, guides, guides and other materials talking about combat tactics on this machine, all of them either contradict or complement each other. However, this machine is so interesting and unusual that I decided to analyze the battle tactics on it myself.

The KV-2 is not as popular a tank as the T-150 and, especially, the KV-1S, mainly because after it you cannot research Tier 7 vehicles. At the same time, this tank is unique in its own way, that is, the tactics of playing on it are significantly different from the tactics of playing on other types of equipment, which is rare in World of Tanks, so it is worth researching and buying it, if only to diversify the gameplay. Many people buy the KV-2 for “fun”, that is, not to improve or improve their battle statistics, but solely for the pleasure of the game. And this is understandable, because not every tank can be equipped with a 152 mm howitzer and send equipment up to level 7 tank tanks into the hangar with one shot.

And so, the KV-2 is a sixth-tier Soviet tank with mediocre armor for a TT, low visibility typical of Soviet tanks, snail-like dynamics and a truly powerful, but oblique gun with a long reload. Next we will look at these characteristics in detail, but first we will traditionally plunge into history.

The tank was developed in January 1940 and was originally called the KV with a large turret. It was developed in connection with the army's need for a well-armored tank with powerful weapons to combat the fortified fortifications of the Mannerheim Line during the Soviet-Finnish War of 1939-1940. That is, the tank’s gun was intended primarily to destroy enemy concrete bunkers. The tank was put into service and was mass-produced until July 1941. The tank's standard ammunition consisted of high-explosive fragmentation steel howitzer grenades OF-530 weighing 40 kilograms, however, due to the situation at the front due to a shortage of shells, any 152-mm howitzer shells were used, which is why a number of restrictions were imposed on shooting. For example, firing at full charge was prohibited, since the recoil could jam the turret, and the components of the engine-transmission group could be damaged by the shock. For the same reasons, shooting on the move was prohibited, which negatively affected both the striking power and the security of the tank. With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, production of the tank was stopped; by that time, 204 tanks had been produced. They actively took part in the hostilities of 1941 and then almost all of them were lost.

In the game, the tank is a powerful, but weak in terms of self-defense combat unit.

Dynamics and speed

The speed and dynamic characteristics of the tank are consistent with its appearance and weight. In general, the dynamics of the tank are the same as those of its predecessor, the KV-1 tank. The dynamics cannot be called good; the tank accelerates slowly and has a low turning speed of both the chassis and the turret. The maximum speed of the tank is 35 km/h from a hill, but in practice its speed usually does not exceed 20 km/h. The tank reaches maximum speed very slowly. Engine power is 600 hp. s., but with an average weight of 53 tons, it turns out to be only 11-odd horses per ton, which is also very little.

In general, the KV-2, along with the KV-1 and T-150, claim to be the slowest tanks in the game, after the British tank destroyers, of course.


The tank inherited its armor from the KV-1, but if at level 5 the KV-1 at the top is an impregnable fortress, then the KV-2 at level 6 is clearly not enough of such armor. Opponents of levels 4 and 5 penetrate the tank every once in a while, but enemies of level 6 have practically no problems with penetration, but sometimes the angles of inclination help and the shells ricochet. A thick gun mantlet sometimes allows you to play from the turret, hiding the hull in a hole, but this is usually ineffective, since hits near the mantlet usually lead to concussions of several crew members at once.

In general, it is better not to stick your head out in front of shots; you should wait for the right moment to shoot and hide in cover. The KV-2 alone in the field is not a warrior, so it is better to stick with your allies; a lonely KV-2 is a very easy target.


The KV-2 is armed with two top guns to choose from. The first is the 107 mm ZIS-6 with armor penetration with a base projectile of 167 mm, average damage per shot of 300 units, a rate of fire of 6 rounds per minute and an ammunition load of 50 shells. The KV-5 has exactly the same gun at level 8, but the KV-2 is not famous for this gun at all.

The second and most important weapon, for which they buy the KV-2, is its 152 mm M-10 gun, the so-called “Duda”, capable of sending an enemy up to level 7 into the hangar with one shell, or at least concussing half the crew and disable several modules. The penetration of this gun is not great: 110 mm with a basic projectile, 136 mm with a sub-caliber projectile and 86 mm with a high-explosive fragmentation projectile. But it’s worth looking at the damage it causes: 700 units of armor-piercing and sub-caliber shells and 910 (!) high-explosive fragmentation shells, while it should be remembered that high-explosive fragmentation shells often undermine the enemy’s ammunition. For such damage you have to pay with a long reload (about 20 seconds, depending on the skills of the crew and installed modules), as well as the “lack” of accuracy in quotes, because there seems to be no accuracy, but it seems to be there, and even allows you to throw with distances of 300-400 meters without aiming directly at the target.

A common mistake made by newcomers who bought the KV-2 for the first time and have not delved into the damage mechanics of the game is that they roll the KV-2 with a gun, but with armor-piercing shells, which are loaded into the ammunition load by default. Or, even worse, they buy and load expensive but ineffective armor-piercing sub-caliber shells. Both of them very, very often ricochet off the enemy’s armor, without causing damage. That is, in 3-5 shots they will penetrate 1-2 times, and taking into account the accuracy and reloading speed of this gun, more than 5 times with the result “did not penetrate” and “ricochet” you will not be able to shoot - most likely, during this time you will already will be sent to the hangar. Please remember: firstly, the KV-2 rides only with a pipe. Secondly, you need to take with you a full ammunition load of high-explosive fragmentation shells. He doesn’t need a BB, let alone a BP. Yes, this is one of the few tanks that does not require gold shells.

However, an inquisitive beginner will ask, what kind of HE are they if their penetration is only 86 mm? In fact, the damage mechanics of high-explosive shells are different from those of armor-piercing shells, and the difference is that high-explosive shells do not need to penetrate the tank's armor in order to cause damage. An example is a situation where artillery, hitting a shell next to a tank, inflicts “splash” damage on it, that is, a blast wave from the explosion of a high-explosive fragmentation shell. The caliber of most tanks' guns is not sufficient to deal HE damage, as the damage is absorbed by armor and screens, while the 152mm KV-2 howitzer deals HE damage on every hit.

In practice, we have the following situation: with a successful shot at a weakly armored enemy or when hitting a tank’s weak point, a high-explosive shell penetrates the armor and causes full damage, which is 910 units, which is enough to destroy any level 6 enemy with one shot and knock out most of the points health to a level 7 enemy. If not penetrated, a high-explosive projectile inflicts 300 points of damage or more, depending on the enemy’s armor and the presence of screens. Damage from a landmine is also good because almost every time, in addition to inflicting, in fact, points of damage, some module is disabled or one or more crew members are concussed.

As a result, it turns out that when using BB we get 1 penetration out of 3 and deal 700 units of damage, and when using HE it turns out that each shot deals damage on average by 300 units, as a result, for the same 3 shots we will deal at least 900 damage or more. Therefore, the KV-2 should be rolled only with a gun and only with high-explosive fragmentation shells.

And yes, I’ll answer a question common among beginners: high-explosive fragmentation shells in World of Tanks (as in reality) NEVER ricochet, since they explode upon contact with armor. And if this sometimes happens, it is only because of an error in the game mechanics. I have never encountered such an error, but some players reported this, the reliability of the information is up to them.

Overview and camouflage

The viewing range is 320 meters, which is generally typical for Soviet technology at level 6, that is, the visibility is very low. Thanks to its huge turret, the tank has a very high degree of visibility and it is impossible to hide it in the bushes; it will definitely be exposed and sent to the hangar, so you shouldn’t count on sniping from the bushes. Due to the low visibility, it doesn’t make sense to go on reconnaissance either, unless it’s a city map, where after spotting the enemy you can shoot and hide around the nearest corner.

KV-2 in combat

At close ranges, the situation is two-sided: on the one hand, the chance of inflicting critical damage on the enemy is extremely high, as is the chance of hitting him, but after the shot, a long reload begins, during which the enemy has a chance to shoot back several times. Therefore, you should engage in close combat only if there is cover behind which you can hide after the shot, and there should be one or more allies behind you for cover, so as not to allow the enemy to come out to return fire. Good shelters in such cases are rocks and houses; broken tank hulls are usually not suitable, since the high turret of the KV-2 remains a good target.

The most profitable tactic is to fight at medium distances using the same covers to reload the gun. At medium distances there is a good chance of both hitting the enemy and not receiving damage in return. If there is artillery in battle, you should also take into account its approximate location and use cover so that self-propelled guns cannot throw a shell there, since slow TTs are their main target. The KV-2 performs best in urban environments, where there are plenty of buildings to hide behind. Although the accuracy of the gun is not great, if it is not possible to shoot at the enemy’s side or stern, and the enemy has no weak points in the forehead, then you should at least aim at the gun to damage it.

When fighting at long distances and when shooting at someone else's light, the chance of revealing yourself is minimal, but the accuracy of the pipe in this case is unlikely to cause much damage, because with such a spread from a distance of 400 meters, only the will of the FBR and the favor of the Serb towards the Soviets will allow hitting the target guns. Usually, such tactics are ineffective and you will bring minimal benefit to the team, especially since when your allies die, they will still come for you. However, if there are about 10 tank destroyers in a battle that do not go on the offensive, but stand and wait in the bushes for you to approach them, you should stick to this tactic rather than go forward and go to the hangar.

When conducting a battle, it is better to be guided by the following: in battles with a level 6 enemy (when the tank is at the top), we use offensive tactics and try to push through any of the flanks with the support of our allies; in level 8 battles (when level 8 tanks are at the top), you should choose support tactics and inflict damage on the enemy from behind the backs of more armored and durable allies. Being at the top, the KV-2 can tank with its turret, or rather with its gun mantlet. The hull should be hidden behind a fold of terrain or behind the remains of a destroyed tank and cause damage without rolling, but you should remember about artillery, which can suddenly attack from above.


The crew consists of a commander, gunner, driver, radio operator and two loaders. It is worth noting that thanks to the huge turret, one of the loaders often gets concussed. As for skills and abilities, first of all the entire crew should learn repair (the commander can have a sixth sense if desired), then individual skills, which are discussed below, then “combat brotherhood.” Why is combat brotherhood the third skill and not the second? Because it takes a long time to level up, it makes more sense to first level up individual skills that will be more useful. So, here is my recommended sequence for learning skills:

  • Commander: sixth sense, repair, brotherhood, any of your choice
  • Driver mechanic: repair, off-road king, military brotherhood, any of your choice
  • Gunner: repair, smooth rotation of the turret, brotherhood of battle, smooth movement
  • Radio operator: repair, radio interception, military brotherhood, repeater
  • Loader 1: repair, non-contact ammo rack, combat brotherhood, any of your choice
  • Loader 2: repair, desperate, brotherhood, any of your choice

Equipment and equipment

The most important indicator of a tank is its DPM, so when choosing equipment it is necessary to increase this indicator. What is typical is that this set of equipment is universal and can be installed on almost all tanks, these are:

  • Gun rammer (will reduce the reload time in the case of the KV-2 by several seconds)
  • Reinforced aiming drives (will increase aiming speed)
  • Improved ventilation (slightly improves all indicators)

It makes no sense to install anything else on the KV-2 with a pipe, but if you want to ride it with a 107 mm gun, then instead of ventilation you can try installing a stereo tube and try to engage in bush sniping, but the KV-2 is not very suitable for this, since it will immediately discovered by the enemy.

A standard set of repair kit, first aid kit and fire extinguisher is also taken into battle. Since situations are not uncommon when several crew members are shell-shocked at once, you can take a large first aid kit; there is no point in carrying a large repair kit with you.

We fill the ammunition rack completely with high-explosive fragmentation shells.

In general, the KV-2 is neither an imbalanced nor a bending tank, but it provides the opportunity to significantly diversify your gameplay. I advise you to buy it and experience those sensations when, with one well-aimed shot, an enemy tank destroyer of level 7 is sent to the hangar, or when a suddenly illuminated enemy tank standing 500 meters from you receives a 500-unit splash from a turn.

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Thank you and good luck in the random!

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Disgusting healthy hitbox of tanks, half-length. It’s a simple matter; on some kind of rapid-fire LT/ST you can light it on fire if the side is visible. You shoot the T-34 at the center of the side, 3 shots - bingo. An engine with no strength of 120 is easily knocked out. The sufferer gunner is criticized.

The author personally burns with a KV-2 even without arson. Because the tank, in terms of all its parameters, looks very, very good with extras. we share. He directly asks “bro, just stuff some rations into me and let’s go!” And additional You can’t put a share because we burn on the count of times. Depressing moment..

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