"Makarych" is a traumatic pistol. "Makarych": reviews

All over the world, traumatic weapons made in the image and likeness of combat models are very popular. Russian manufacturers also understood this, and in 2004 they released several models of weapons for self-defense. All specimens were popularly nicknamed “Makarych”. The traumatic pistol was developed from scratch.

He adopted only the appearance from the famous Makarov pistol, and even then not completely. The combat mechanism was fundamentally different from the original firearms. In addition, models with different calibers were produced. The decision to develop a completely new means of self-defense based on our own drawings, and not on the basis of a combat analogue, was made due to the fear that “traditional craftsmen” would remake the pistol into a combat version.

Mechanisms of the MP80 13T pistol

The appearance is very similar to the combat PM.
This is especially noticeable in the width of the bolt, which in this traumatic version has become wider due to the increase in the caliber of ammunition used in the magazine to 45. The main mechanisms remained from previous generations of Makarych. The experts provided brief instructions on how to make the operation of this weapon smooth, so that all mechanisms worked smoothly and did not require any effort during firing. The best idea is to completely disassemble the pistol, polish all rubbing parts and lubricate them. This must be done very carefully, as is the case with the barrel. The results will be excellent and you will feel that the gun is running as smoothly as possible.

Another debugging option is regular shooting. This will also help you get used to the pistol grip with its unique heel. This method allows the mechanisms to get used to each other. But it has a significant disadvantage - this will not happen soon, and by the time the gun operates smoothly, all the mechanisms will already be loose, so a logical question arises about the effectiveness of this method.

Performance characteristics

A large assortment of parts that are freely available on the market and make it possible to tune the Makarych traumatic pistol is the main feature of the IZH-79-9 series guns. Depending on the installed parts, the technical characteristics of the models are also determined. The most common version IZH-79-9T has the following characteristics:

  • overall dimensions – 161 x 93 x 127 mm;
  • caliber – 9 mm, cartridge type – 9 x 22;
  • weight without cartridges - 630 grams, with cartridges - 700 grams;
  • magazine capacity – 8 shells;
  • cartridge power – 35-50 J.

Despite its shortcomings and low power, this pistol has gained considerable popularity on the market. This happened under the influence of the low price (about 10 thousand rubles), which is very low for models made exclusively of steel.

Tips for caring for your pistol

This generation of Makarych does not need any extra care; all advice for caring for him is no different from advice for caring for other injuries. First of all, you must remember that it must be protected from increased moisture. Nothing will happen to the weapon if it gets caught in the rain, but if it falls into the water, it needs to be disassembled, dried well and all parts re-lubricated.

After each use, do not forget to clean the carbon layer, as it can destroy the walls of the barrel. Of course, we can say that there is much less carbon deposits in traumatic weapons than in the same combat PM, but cleaning after each shooting will not be superfluous.

After the purchase, it may seem that the store is performing very poorly. The main problem is that the feed spring is too tight. You must remember that it cannot be trimmed, since the already small magazine charge of 6 rounds can be reduced to 1-2. The rest will not reach their destination due to a short spring. Rest assured that soon the stiffness of the magazine spring will wear off and it will operate more smoothly. The best option can also be considered replacing the magazine spring with a tighter one. If this is not possible, you just need to wait until the magazine spring develops after several firings.

Defects in arms deliveries

Unfortunately, most weapons produced at IMZ have a high level of defects, and the MP 80 13t was no exception. Therefore, if you decide to purchase this weapon, then be responsible when choosing it in the store.

Pay special attention to the barrel. It should be free of scratches, potholes and other blemishes.

Most likely you will never find the perfect one, and you will still have to polish it with GOI paste.

Also carefully examine the protrusions inside the barrel (teeth), they should not have jagged edges, but be even in relation to each other. Otherwise, the bullet will explode, and the effect of hitting the enemy will be reduced to almost zero, and the deviation from the target will be very large.

What cartridges are used?

It is worth stopping to consider the charges for this pistol and considering them in detail, since they are not quite ordinary here and are not inherent in trauma. Here, as mentioned above, 45 Rubber cartridges are used. They are based on a rubber bullet with a 13 mm diameter, which fits into a smaller diameter cartridge case due to its excellent elasticity properties. The weight is one and a half times greater than that of a 9 mm charge, 1.5 grams.

Initially, the manufacturer stated that when fired, an energy of 90 J is generated. In reality, of course, it turned out to be less - around 70-80 J. But even this figure is excellent. With such characteristics, the pistol hits targets well when shooting.

It was already mentioned above that the chamber has become less reliable due to the reduction in the width of the walls. The only way to avoid breaking it is to use good 45 caliber cartridges. Hence, any potential buyer has a reasonable question: what charges can be considered good?

Now two companies are engaged in the production of such ammunition: Tekhkrim and AKBS. In principle, both manufacturers produce cartridges of the same quality, but there are several nuances that every lover of traumatic weapons made on the basis of PM should know about. The fact is that different batches from companies may not have very good quality casings. However, as statistics show, such troubles happen much less often with the second manufacturer - AKBS. Therefore, we can say that we recommend using 45-caliber charges for the magazine of this gun. But if this is not possible, then use Tekhkrim products. Generally speaking, cartridges in this situation are recommended not by the manufacturing company, but by a specific batch.

Series of traumatic weapons IZH-79-9

The main feature that each “Makarych”, traumatic pistol of the IZH-79-9 line has, is the material of manufacture. The entire structure is entirely made of steel, which undoubtedly has a significant impact on the reliability and durability of the products. In addition, the tools are easy to use (they are not afraid of any weather conditions) and operation, because they only require periodic cleaning.

The design of the traumatic pistol exactly replicates the design of its combat counterpart, with some exceptions - in order to exclude the possibility of conversion into a firearm version. Users noticed a number of shortcomings when using it. The most significant of them can be called jamming of the rubber bullet in the barrel.

Trunk construction and care

The barrel is probably the basis of a traumatic weapon, so we need to dwell on it, its design and care in more detail so that no problems arise during operation. First of all, I would like to say that when buying an MP 80 13T, you will encounter both ideal barrels and complete slag that you won’t be able to use. When buying a pistol that can be loaded with 45-caliber ammunition, you don’t need to be lazy. Arm yourself with a small flashlight and be sure to look inside the trunk

First of all, attention should be paid to the walls: they should either be absolutely smooth or have only small jambs that can be easily corrected with Goya paste. Using sandpaper will immediately kill the barrel, so forget about it immediately

After this, you need to look at the obstacles that are an integral part of the trunk. Firstly, they must be positioned evenly in relation to each other, and secondly, there should be no serious flaws or irregularities on their surface, only small nicks are acceptable, which, in practice, almost no pistol can do without. Problems with the “teeth” will absolutely lead to inaccurate shooting: the bullet will simply deviate from the desired target. In such a situation, adjusting the sight may help, but this will ruin the appearance of this traumatic pistol.

If serious defects are found on the obstacles that cannot be eliminated, then it is better to ask for the next weapon for the same inspection. Such a defect in the barrel can cause bullets to burst, which will lead not only to zero shooting accuracy, but also to zero efficiency.

As for the chamber, it can also be polished using the same paste if the cartridge case enters it with obvious force and scratches remain on it. This must be done carefully without using sandpaper, otherwise the diameter of the chamber will be increased, which will lead to swelling of the cartridges and, as a result of all this, the final breakdown of the pistol and its magazine.

Performance characteristics

The reloading mechanism operates according to the “free shutter” scheme. “Makarych” (traumatic pistol) model IZH-79-8 has the following technical characteristics:

  • length – 161, height – 127, width – 30.5 mm;
  • weight – 730 grams;
  • magazine capacity - 8 rounds (11 for modified);
  • the most effective range of the gas cloud is 3 meters.

A distinctive feature of the IZH-79-8 from the PM is the presence of a tube pressed into the barrel, which increases the gas pressure and eliminates the possibility of altering the weapon. In addition, the attachment of the barrel to the frame was deliberately weakened, and cuts were also made on the breech, so that when fired with a live cartridge, the entire structure would shatter into pieces.

Characteristics of the pistol OOOP MP 80 13T

When creating this pistol, the plant did not improve existing models; in fact, it began production of a new weapon that was quite different from its predecessors in its tactical and technical characteristics. Of course, in appearance it is also stylized as a Makarov combat pistol. I will say more, due to the fact that the caliber has become larger than that of previous models, the thickness of the MP 80 13t has increased, and, accordingly, the similarity is now even higher than it was! Undoubtedly, this aspect will please those who want to purchase a weapon “like the real thing.”

But appearance is not the most important thing in a self-defense device; we are more interested in how the technical characteristics of the MP 80 13t differ from its predecessors:

Caliber in mm45 Rubber
Bullet diameter in mm13
Bullet weight in grams1,5
Magazine capacity (number of rounds)6
Barrel length in mm93,5
OOOP height in mm127
OOOP width in mm30,5
OOOP length in mm162
Bullet speed in m/s360
Muzzle energy in J90

As we can see, due to the increased caliber, the muzzle energy has also increased, which indicates increased lethal force. Of course, such a bullet is unlikely to pierce winter clothes, but the force of the impact will be very noticeable.

The main advantage of the increased caliber is the low probability of the enemy receiving open wounds, which often happens when using nine-millimeter cartridges.


Another consequence of using the 45 caliber was the magazine capacity reduced to 6 rounds, which cannot be considered a plus. But here it’s up to you to decide what’s better: a large caliber and high muzzle energy or a lot of cartridges with less destructive power. Accordingly, spare parts from PM are no longer suitable.

The width of the magazine also increased, which naturally led to a narrowing of the chamber walls to 0.5 mm. The bolt stop and trigger pull also became different. Due to the decrease in chamber thickness, it is necessary to be more careful when choosing cartridges.

It is better to use cartridges from AKBS (not an advertisement) due to the fact that the difference in the weight of gunpowder (inherent in all manufacturers) is minimal and is quite rare.

Models IZH-79-7.6 and IZH-79-8

This self-defense weapon uses two types of ammunition - noise and gas cartridges with a caliber of 7.6 and 8 mm, respectively. The former act similarly to blank shells in combat pistols. Gas ammunition releases a stream of chemical substance with a wide spectrum of action at the attacker.

Users left their positive reviews about the Makarych traumatic pistol for a reason. They were able to evaluate the combination of an original design, which is similar to its combat counterpart, with low price and high reliability.

For the first shot, the bolt must be pulled towards you, thereby placing the projectile in the chamber. The trigger mechanism and frame are made of steel to increase the reliability and durability of the samples.

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