Which 12 gauge cartridges can be considered the best choice - manufacturers and characteristics

For every hunter, cartridges play an important role, because it is obvious that without them it is impossible to kill an animal. At the moment, hunting cartridges, like weapons, are sold in specialized stores, where they can be purchased with the appropriate permit and license. Hunters use various ammunition, which differ from each other in many respects. In view of this, it is necessary to conduct a detailed review, become familiar with the features of such ammunition, find out what types of hunting bullets exist, markings of cartridges, etc.

Types of cartridges

In general, all cartridges can be divided into 4 large groups:

  • for smoothbore shotguns,
  • for rifled guns,
  • for traumatic weapons,
  • single

This classification of bullets has been used for a long time, and it does not include ammunition for sports shooting and bullets for air guns, since they do not require special permission. For hunting, cartridges are used for both smooth-bore and rifled guns. A more detailed classification of bullets will allow you to better understand the intricacies of choice and find out which ammunition is best purchased for hunting certain game.

Cartridges for shotguns

The general classification of cartridges for smoothbore weapons is based on their design features.

There are three groups:

  1. Shotguns. In turn, they are divided into:
  2. reinforced,
  3. sports.
  4. Buckshot
  5. Bullet

In addition, types of cartridges for this type of gun are distinguished depending on what calibers are used:

  • Large-caliber. These include hunting cartridges of 12 gauge, as well as 4, 8, and 10 gauge.
  • Medium caliber. This type includes calibers: 16, 20, and 24.
  • Small caliber: 28, 32, 410.

Today, hunting cartridges, as well as 8 and 4 caliber hunting rifles, are practically not used. The same applies to 10 gauge, which is in active use in America. Caliber 410 as a whole has unique properties, and therefore it is rarely included in the classification of cartridges for smoothbore weapons.

The design of a cartridge for smooth-bore weapons includes the following elements:

  • Sleeve. It can be cardboard, metal, plastic, wood fiber, as well as of various diameters;
  • Primer-igniter (TsBO, KV-22, KV-21).
  • Projectile (shot, buckshot or bullet).
  • Wads that differ in diameter.
  • Charge of gunpowder. It can be either smokeless or smoky.

The principle of operation of caliber shot cartridges is that at the moment of firing, the firing pin of the weapon strikes the igniter primer, resulting in the ignition of the powder charge. Then, under the influence of gases formed during combustion, the wads push out a projectile, be it a bullet, shot or buckshot, as a result of which a shot is fired at the target.

Caliber and sub-caliber bullets

12 gauge bullets are divided into two types:

  • Caliber bullets
    - have a diameter almost equal to the diameter of the bore, often equipped with crushable belts. Caliber bullets have more weight than sub-caliber bullets and have a greater stopping effect. Caliber bullets can be fired from guns with cylinder barrels or with choke constrictions until payday.
  • Sub-caliber bullets
    have a diameter significantly smaller than the diameter of the bore. They have less weight, greater initial speed and flight range, but less stopping power. Sub-caliber bullets are often loaded into cups or containers with a seal and can be used for shooting from guns with strong chokes.

How to choose shotgun ammunition

The choice of shot cartridges is based on many features. First of all, this concerns the parameters of the shot when firing such ammunition. One of the main indicators is the radius of the circle into which the shot falls. Obviously, it will be better if this figure is small. This characteristic is similar to the bullet dispersion and shooting accuracy.

If you need to choose cartridges for hunting weapons, you should consider the following characteristics:

  • Type of gunpowder . It can be smokeless or smoky. In general, this does not have a significant effect on shooting at game, but it may cause some discomfort due to the fact that gunpowder smoke leaves a residue on the parts of the weapon.
  • Type of sleeve depending on composition. Shot cartridge cases can be made of metal, cardboard, plastic, and less commonly of wood fibers. When choosing suitable cartridges, it is necessary to take into account what kind of weapon is used for hunting. Metal cartridges are more convenient to use and reliable, but most often have a high cost and get very hot during a shot.
  • Fraction number . The choice of number must be made based on what animal is being hunted. For example, for hunting wild duck, you should choose cartridges with numbers 7-11. If you are choosing ammunition for a hare, it is recommended to purchase hunting ammunition with shot number zero. For winter hunting of small animals, you should choose ammunition for hunting with number 3 or 4. For hunting large animals, for example, deer and wild boars, you should give preference to buckshot.
  • Price . The question of how much cartridges cost interests many hunters. In this case, the cost will be influenced by the manufacturer, as well as the materials used for manufacturing, the quality of the product and its power.

When choosing caliber cartridges for shotguns, it is recommended to purchase products from well-known manufacturers in order to eliminate the possibility of purchasing low-quality ammunition.

Why should you consider ammo caliber?

Unfortunately, many novice hunters do not always understand the need to choose a specific caliber. It’s quite simple to explain. When hunting small animals or birds, such as ducks, the caliber should also be small. If, when hunting, when you need to use a cartridge for a goose or duck, large-caliber shells are used, this will inevitably lead to the fact that the appearance of the hunted game will be greatly damaged. This is of particular importance when hunting hares and fur-bearing animals and other small game, where it is important to keep their skins in good condition.

Contrary to popular belief, caliber is an indicator not of the size of the bullet, but of its energy. When a large-caliber bullet hits the body of a large animal, it begins to rotate, causing severe damage, preventing through flight. Otherwise, an animal with a through wound may run away from the hunter.

Choosing the right caliber is also important for reasons of economy. Without a doubt, it is important for any hunter to consider how much he plans to spend on purchasing ammunition. And more powerful cartridges (larger caliber) have a high cost, in contrast to small-caliber ammunition, whose cost is much lower. It is also worth remembering that the caliber affects the weight of the projectile, and, consequently, the weight of the weapon as a whole. In addition, small-caliber cartridges have better flatness during shooting, which allows you to more accurately hit a target at a long distance even in adverse weather conditions.

Hunter Ethics

You can often see a young hunter buying a five-round shotgun, a huge bandolier, a knife that resembles a machete, and looking at him, you get the impression that a combat helicopter is about to arrive and he will urgently fly off to save the world. Years later, when meeting with the same person, you will notice that the heavy semi-automatic has already been replaced by a light double-barreled shotgun. A small backpack with 5-10 rounds of ammunition is slung over his shoulder. Communicating with nature, a person tries to be a part of it, and not a conqueror. It is no longer important to get game, but to be alone with nature. Experienced hunters do not get a charge of emotion from the amount of game they catch; it is enough for them to watch a cop working in the field or listen to the moaning voices of hounds who have seen a hare raised from the edge of the forest.

Magnum cartridges

Currently, Magnum hunting cartridges are actively used by many hunters. A distinctive feature of the Magnum is that the power, that is, the energy of the bullet’s ejection, is significantly higher than that of projectiles of a similar caliber and diameter. Thanks to the enhanced composition and increased power with a similar diameter, such ammunition has increased destructive power, which makes it possible to hunt large animals. There are also a number of models of special hunting weapons, the muzzle energy of which is optimal for such projectiles, and the barrels are more durable to withstand high loads when shooting.

Magnum bullet cartridges also have external differences in size. The main thing is that their sleeves are longer. The most common are 89 mm and 76 mm sleeves. Cartridges with a case length of 89 mm were first introduced into circulation by the American manufacturer in 1987. But ammunition with a case length of 76 mm began to be actively used even earlier than 89 mm - after the end of World War II.

Today, Magnum cartridges are produced in diameters of 10, 12, and 20 calibers, which are most common in America, and accordingly, the maximum length of such ammunition is 89 mm. In recent years, there has been a trend among many weapon manufacturers to switch to 89 mm ammunition length. First, Magnums with a length of 89 mm began to be mass-produced by the American company Mossberg. 89 mm cartridges were intended for single-barreled magazine weapons with a bolt action (otherwise called a longitudinally sliding rotary action). Following the Americans, many companies began to produce weapons with chambers designed for 89 mm cartridges instead of 76 mm.

In addition, Magnum hunting bullets of 410 caliber have recently appeared, which are distinguished by an even greater ability to damage a target due to the muzzle energy of the weapon and increased speed. Such bullets have smaller dimensions and are not produced in a length of 89 mm. The same goes for 20 gauge ammunition. Most manufacturers make 10 or 12 gauge Magnum ammunition for chamber lengths from 76 to 89 mm.

It should be noted that after active production of Magnum cartridges began, the number of calibers of smoothbore weapons was significantly reduced. Thus, manufacturers were able to provide customers with optimally sized ammunition with high power and low cost.

Today, not all hunters recognize the effectiveness of Magnum cartridges. On the one hand, both Magnum and standard cartridges for hunting weapons perform the same function, hitting the intended target. However, on the other hand, the feasibility of using Magnum cartridges has been proven in practice. The shot in such ammunition has more weight, therefore the entire shot projectile is increased. As a result, the density of pellet dispersion increases. If in order to defeat an animal it is necessary that at least 3 pellets hit it, then using Magnum this can be achieved at a greater distance than when using conventional fractional options.

For Magnum cartridges, both regular and special gunpowder can be used, which in turn allows you to influence the energy when ejecting shot, thus affecting the lethality.

In general, Magnum is a more powerful cartridge option that can be used both for hunting and for self-defense. Today, both domestic and foreign manufacturers produce Magnum cartridges.

Reasons for the popularity of sixteen gauge

There was a time when this type of ammunition was as popular as 12 gauge, but those days are long gone. To date, reviews of the 16 gauge are significantly divided. Some hunters see in it the “golden mean” between number twenty and number twelve, which is not entirely true. Yes, the accuracy of the sixteenth caliber is quite average, which allows this type of ammunition to be used for shooting at distances from 35 to 50 meters. However, the killing power is closer to the twelfth gauge than to the middle between the twentieth and twelfth. Because of this, many novice hunters leave large wounded wounds on their prey, choosing the wrong type of cartridges and the weight of shot in them, which opponents of the sixteenth caliber are so fond of mentioning on various thematic forums. Both sides can be understood, but one fact remains undeniable. If you choose suitable cartridges for hunting, you can conduct quite successful hunting with this type of ammunition.

Manufacturers of hunting ammunition

When choosing suitable cartridges, it is recommended to take into account the manufacturer in order to be confident in the quality of the purchased product. Products from the following manufacturers are widely used among hunters: Poleva, Brenneke, Sheddit, Glavpatron, SKM, Fetter, Tahoe, Record and others. Next, we will dwell in more detail on the features of the composition, diameter, speed and other indicators of hunting ammunition manufactured by these companies.


Polev's bullets became very widespread in the countries of the former USSR. They received their name from the name of their designer V.V. Poleva. Polev's cartridges are of the switch type; they include a lead striking element with a plastic shank. The head of the ammunition is equipped with a plastic container that is separated after the bullet leaves the barrel. This design feature contributes to better passage of the Polev bullet through the gun channel.

Polev's bullets performed especially well when hunting large game, including bear, elk, and wild boar.

Polev bullets have a number of undeniable advantages:

  • confident shooting at a distance of up to 100 and even 150 meters;
  • excellent speed;
  • high level of muzzle energy (2500-3000 J).

Thanks to these advantages, many hunters consider Polev’s bullets to be the best among domestic products and give preference to them. However, Polev's bullets also have their drawbacks:

  • low weight (28-29 g for 12/70 cartridges, while bullets from other manufacturers weigh on average 32 g), which reduces its lethality;
  • low level of stabilization, due to which the bullet deviates greatly from its trajectory even due to small obstacles;
  • the complex shape does not allow high-quality production of such a bullet at home.


Brenneke cartridges are manufactured in Germany and are of very high quality. The manufacturing company became known more than 100 years ago thanks to the German inventor Wilhelm Brenneke, who created a bullet that is still actively used for smooth-bore weapons. The head part of the Brenneke bullet contained lead, and the tail part contained a felt wad. The mass of a 12/70 caliber bullet ranges from 30 to 32 g. Currently, Brenneke bullets are produced with various energy levels and in various calibers. However, the production scheme, based on the use of a arrow-turbine Brenneke bullet, remains virtually unchanged.

The latest releases of Brenneke bullets, equipped with plastic stabilizers, are recognized as the most advanced; they are distinguished by excellent speed and stability in flight.

The main advantages of Brenneke bullets:

  • high accuracy of fire;
  • excellent stabilization during flight (deflection is very small, even if it touches grass or branches during flight).

The disadvantages of Brenneke hunting cartridges include:

  • the complexity of manufacturing due to the rather intricate shape and composition of the bullet, as well as the need for additional components (bolt, stabilizer of a certain shape). In this regard, any minor flaw during production greatly affects the quality of the ammunition.


Sheddit cartridges are very popular among hunters. The only drawback of such bullets is their considerable cost. Unlike products from other manufacturers, Sheddit cartridges include elements that are all manufactured in one factory. This has a significant impact on the quality of this ammunition. Currently, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, and 36 caliber cartridges are produced, as well as 410 caliber cartridges. For example, 12/76 caliber bullet ammunition weighs 43 g, and 12/70 - 28 g, which is less than the standard 32 g for many other companies. In addition to standard modifications, Sheddit produces Magnum cartridges with an increased energy rating.


Another inexpensive ammo option is the Tahoe. Tahoe ammunition was appreciated not only by hunters, but even by the 2000 Olympic champion in skeet shooting N. Milchev. One of the main advantages of Tahoe products is combat stability, as well as pinpoint accuracy in loading cartridges.

Today in stores you can find Tahoe ammunition loaded with shot numbers from No. 4 to No. 9. In addition, the Tahoe company also produces ammunition, which includes bullets and buckshot. Tahoes are suitable for shotguns with chamber sizes of 65, 70 and 76 mm. For example, the weight of a 12/70 caliber lead bullet is 32 g, and the 12/76 Magnum bullet is 46 g.


The Tula Glavpatron plant is widely known in our country as a manufacturer of high-quality, reliable ammunition. Many hunters are attracted to Glavpatron brand products, not least due to their low cost. However, despite the affordable prices, Glavpatron also pleases with its quality: high stability and excellent rate of fire.

Sports and hunting ammunition is produced under the Glavpatron brand. Moreover, Glavpatron hunting ammunition is divided into several categories:

  • standard,
  • classic,
  • semi-magnum and magnum,
  • special;
  • bullets.

As for the Glavpatron caliber, you can easily find 12, 16 and 20 in stores. The weight of standard 12/70 shells is 32 g, the weight of Magnum 12/76 bullets is 48 g. Glavpatron ammunition from the special category includes 12 gauge cartridges with special characteristics. Including a lightweight version, the “Bio” model with a special wad, which makes it possible to obtain a wide spread of shot when shooting at medium distances (about 30 meters). The Dispersant Glavpatron has a wad with similar characteristics, but it is effective for shooting at short distances. But the “High Speed” model was specially designed to increase the range of hitting the target.


The Russian company Techkrim produces ammunition for smooth-bore and traumatic weapons. In particular, we are talking about shot cartridges with different speeds and diameters. The weight of standard shot ammunition 12/70 is 32 g, for the Magnum model of caliber 12/76 - 43 g. The main advantage that Techkrim cartridges can boast of is the ideal price-quality ratio, thanks to which the products of this manufacturer are actively used by many hunters.


The domestic company SKM Industry produces high-quality hunting ammunition, both standard and Magnum. In addition, SCM is the only domestic manufacturer that produces shot cartridges with ultra-long-range characteristics.

In recent years, shotguns with 70 mm chamber lengths have become widespread in the world due to the restriction of the use of harmful lead. This contributed to the development of the popularity of Magnum ammunition from SCM and other companies. However, SKM ammunition is truly of unsurpassed quality, which is ensured by strict production controls. So at SCM Industry, when each batch of cartridges leaves production, ballistic tests are carried out.

The composition of SKM ammunition shells includes primed cartridges 12/70 Fiocchi and Cheddite or 12/76 Cheddite, gunpowder of various brands - from PSB to Sokol, fiber or polyethylene wads of various types, shot and buckshot of domestic production, Gualandi bullets for 32 and 40 g SKM bullets can have different weights, including 28, 32, 36, 40 g, etc., it all depends on the specific characteristics of the charge.

Among the main advantages of SKM ammunition:

  • safety of operation,
  • maximum projectile speed while maintaining an optimal level of accuracy,
  • reliability of cartridges for semi-automatic shotguns,
  • comfortable shot with low recoil.


Fetter hunting bullets are in great demand on the Russian hunting goods market. In particular, we are talking about the largest caliber Fetter cartridges, 12 and 10 gauge. Their weight can be: 28, 32, 36, 42, etc. gram. Another feature of the Fetter company is 12-gauge sports cartridges. In addition, Fetter supplies and sells products from foreign manufacturers such as Remington, Umarex, Fiocchi, and others.

Many hunters prefer the Vetter Sport brand, because these cartridges are distinguished by the excellent quality of gunpowder and high flight speed. The plastic sleeve ensures high stabilization of bullets, and thanks to the aluminum pan, Fetter ammunition can be successfully used in any weather without fear that the powder may become damp.

Fetter Magnum cartridges are also very popular; they are lightweight and compact due to plastic sleeves. Thus, the weight of Vetter Magnum cartridges is only 34 g, and the diameter of the base is 16 mm. However, the company’s assortment also includes lighter ammunition, for example, 32 g or even 25 g, it all depends on the diameter, caliber and other characteristics.

This brand of ammunition has high muzzle energy and is ideal for hunting in winter, and especially for targeted shooting at short distances (up to 25 meters).


Domestic Record cartridges are used by a fairly large number of hunters, despite certain disadvantages. This is due to the fact that Record ammunition is one of the cheapest on the market, but for many the decisive factor is not only the composition, materials and workmanship, but also how much the ammunition costs. Today, the manufacturer offers Record cartridges with different characteristics of energy and speed, as well as for various purposes: hunting, sports, special. Record ammunition may contain shot, bullets or buckshot made from different materials (lead, steel, rubber).

For hunting smoothbore weapons, Rekord is produced in various calibers: 12, 16, 20, 410, as well as all the necessary components: wads, cartridges, pli, shot, etc. the weight of a standard 12/70 cartridge is from 32 to 36 g, and the Magnum 12/76 is from 38 to 48 g. Record caliber cartridges are excellent for hunting small, medium and large game.

Among the disadvantages of the Record brand, it is worth noting that the combat sharpness is not very sharp, however, experienced hunters claim that at a distance of up to 30-35 meters these ammunition performed well. In addition to its low price and availability in all stores, Record ammunition has also gained popularity due to its low recoil when fired.


When choosing cheap ammunition, you should also pay attention to Clever cartridges. The advantages that characterize Clever cartridges are their low cost. The weight of standard 12/70 ammunition ranges from 32 to 36 g, and the Magnum 12/76 modifications weigh up to 50 g.

There are quite a large number of manufacturers, both domestic and imported, but those presented on this list are in greatest demand among hunters, which indicates the high quality of the products and many other advantages.

Construction type

12 gauge bullets come in several design types:

  • Round bullets
    - have the shape of a ball, sometimes with leading bands. Round bullets are the oldest type of bullet. They are easy to manufacture, have a low cost, but at the same time they deviate in flight when colliding with even small obstacles (branches). Requires careful use when shooting from guns with strong chokes. Round bullets include: Shar, Sputnik, Trio bullets.
  • Arrow bullets
    have a heavy arrow-shaped front part and a lightweight shank that stabilizes the bullet in flight. Arrow bullets have good accuracy at long shooting distances. Arrow bullets include: Poleva, Strela, Tandem, Azot, Sovestra bullets.
  • Turbine bullets
    have a heavy lead head and a lighter tail. In the center of the bullet there is a through channel in the shape of a cylinder or cone. There are spiral blades inside the channel. Turbine bullets are also equipped with oblique bands on the outer surface. Internal spiral blades and oblique outer belts provide the bullet with rapid rotation during flight, which gives increased stability and high accuracy. Turbine bullets are demanding on the accuracy of powder loads, otherwise they can hit the target flat. Turbine bullets include the Mayer bullet.
  • Arrow-turbine bullets
    have a heavy arrow-shaped front part and a lightweight shank that stabilizes the bullet in flight, and are also equipped with inclined aerodynamic fins. Provides high shooting accuracy. Pointer-turbine bullets include: Brenneke, Gualandi, Zala bullets.
  • Coil bullets
    - most often made of steel, bronze or brass. They are stabilized in flight due to the oncoming air flow. They have a high stopping power and are well suited for shooting in thickets. Coil bullets include: Leningradka, Rubeykina, Kirovchanka, Blondo bullets.
  • Cap bullets
    - have the shape of a cap, the center of gravity is shifted to the front of the bullet. Coil bullets include: Diabolo, Lee, Grizzly bullets.


This Russian company has been producing hunting ammunition for 50 years. Among the assortment you can find a lot of shot and bullet cartridges with different amounts of gunpowder and the diameter of the ballistic projectile. The main advantage of Techkrim products is the ideal ratio of quality and price, which makes the cartridges popular among amateurs and professionals.


Among Russian hunters, 16 gauge cartridges of this brand are especially popular. Their only drawback is their relatively high cost, but they have almost the same destructive power as magnum cartridges and weigh only 28 grams. The initial energy indicator also has quite good values, which allows the Sheddit to be used for hunting even grizzly bears. The company also produces various modifications that can satisfy the requirements of the most demanding hunters.


Well, the last brand of cartridges that we will consider today is domestic “Record” ammunition, which is used, perhaps, by the overwhelming majority of Russian hunters, despite certain shortcomings. This popularity is due to the lowest price on the market, but for most people the decisive factor when choosing is the financial component. Yes, better materials could have been used. Yes, there could be fewer misfires, but we are pleased with the large assortment that will allow the hunter to choose ammunition to suit his taste. For example, you can purchase shot, slug or buckshot cartridges, the ballistic projectile of which is made of materials: rubber, steel, lead.

As you can see, there are quite a few companies that produce 16 gauge ammunition. Despite the fact that this variety has already lost its relevance and is unlikely to return, many hunters continue to use the sixteenth caliber to this day. Perhaps it’s a matter of habit or a desire to stand out from the gray mass - it doesn’t matter. This caliber is fully justified during hunting and even has a number of advantages over its competitors. Therefore, we sincerely hope that our article helped you decide on the choice of suitable ammunition, because this is precisely the goal we pursued.


A domestic company engaged in the production of standard ammunition, as well as magnum cartridges. This is the only Russian manufacturer that produces shot cartridges designed for ultra-long range shooting, which makes them quite unique.

In the last few years, guns with chamber lengths of 70 millimeters have become widely known around the world, which contributed to the development of the enormous popularity of ammunition from SCM, since only one Russian company produced 70 mm cartridges. In addition, the products are distinguished by truly good quality, which is ensured through strict control during the production process. For example, when each batch of ammunition is released, ballistic tests are carried out, which makes it possible to almost completely eliminate the appearance of defective products on the market.


Just recently purchased an IZH 16-caliber shotgun for hunting and don’t know what cartridges are best to use? It is worth noting that this type of weapon is not particularly fancy, so it is best to “feed” the gun with domestically produced cartridges, and not with expensive imported analogues, which, although they have good technical characteristics, are prohibitively expensive.

The products are in great demand on the Russian market, especially when it comes to large calibers (10, 12, 16). In addition, the company produces cartridges for sport shooting, so not only hunters will have something to find here.

Magnum cartridges, which are distinguished by their compact cartridge case and relatively low weight, are very popular. The bullet diameter is only 16 millimeters and the weight is 34 grams. Although you can find lighter samples among the offered assortment.

Positive sides

Among the undeniable advantages of the sixteenth caliber, one can highlight only its versatility. With the right amount of gunpowder or buckshot, you can go after both ducks and wild boars. You can also equip the cartridge with a special 16-caliber lead bullet, which will leave no chance of life even for an adult bear, of course, provided that it is a well-aimed shot.

In addition, this type of ammunition is almost ideal for approach hunting, since it has optimal accuracy for shooting from a distance of 35 to 50 meters. It is from this distance that shotgunning is most often carried out at most species of animals. Kill the beast and leave no strong wounded animals behind.

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