Russian-made traumatic pistol TTK, one of the latest developments

The TTK injury presented to connoisseurs is of interest only due to its birth history.
  1. Firstly, it is the latest development of domestic gunsmiths. After all, since 2012, it has been prohibited in Russia to develop and produce new samples and models of traumatic weapons. The government considered that what had already been invented was quite enough. Therefore, from this time onwards, only previously developed products are allowed for sale.
  2. Secondly, not every cartridge is suitable for this pistol; it only uses the 10x38 sample.

But let's take everything in order, let's take a closer look at our pistol.

general information

Today we are talking about the Russian-made traumatic pistol TTK. Anyone who is at least somewhat familiar with Russian weapons can draw the following conclusion: the basis for this injury was the Soviet-made TT combat pistol, only in a slightly shortened version.

This is partly true, the developer (AKBS) at one time bought Tokarev’s drawings, made by him back in the 40s. last century. After which they were posted for discussion on the forum of the gunsmiths portal.

Initially, the manufacturer planned to start producing this weapon in the form of a firearm with limited damage chambered for a 10x28 cartridge with a traumatic effect. In addition, it was planned to master the production of a pistol in a combat version for the following ammunition - 9x19 and 7.62x25 TT. Moreover, the latter had to be equipped with automatic weapons with a short barrel stroke.

But during discussions with future consumers, we decided to leave three options:

  1. The first model looks like the original - TT. If you believe the rumors, it was on this model that all the new products that were planned for future use were tested.
  2. The second model, although similar to the original, was completely created from scratch. The only thing that was copied from military weapons was the handle.
  3. The third model is a variation of the second, the difference is in this handle. The new product is more convenient, although everyone judges for himself.

The last two models were shown at an international exhibition in Germany, but the first remained in the form of a training model, where future innovations will be tested.

About the variants of “injury” of ACBS

The manufacturer has designed three versions of the TTK pistol:

  • The first is completely developed on the basis of the Tulsky-Tokarev firearms. “Travmat” is a shortened model in which the manufacturer tried to maintain external resemblance to its combat counterpart. According to experts, the developers used this version to test all the technologies that they planned to introduce into the final version of the TTK pistol.
  • In the second version, the handle was copied from the real TT. The “trauma” itself was created from scratch.
  • The third option is characterized by a modified handle, which, as the manufacturer claims, is more comfortable.

In 2012, an arms exhibition was held in Germany, at which AKBS exhibited “injuries” of the second and third versions. A review of the TTK pistol is below.


TTK took all the advantages from its original: small thickness, no protruding parts on the body - all this helps to carry the barrel concealed with you and quickly remove it if necessary. This is also helped by a shorter barrel compared to the TT.

Unfortunately, along with the advantages, some of the disadvantages of a combat pistol also resulted in injury. In particular, the handle: it is somewhat inconvenient during practical shooting, especially if you have to shoot offhand.

The thing is that this part is located at a right angle and when shooting offhand, the barrel looks below the target. Moreover, the angle of inclination is quite significant. So those who want to amaze their friends with such shooting will have to spend a lot of time at the shooting range before something starts to work out.

Compared to its competitors, the pistol has a longer working life. All this is thanks to the use of special high-quality weapon steel in the production.

The following parts were developed from scratch: frame, barrel, bolt, recoil spring guides. Otherwise, problems would arise when certifying the pistol as a traumatic one. All other details are copied from the original.

Automation is made according to the standard scheme - recoil with a free shutter.

The barrel is removed, which is very rare for a traumatist. The channel of this part is smooth with one pin. When developing it, the barrel of another trauma weapon, the Grand Power T12, was taken as a basis.

Attention. The pistol does not have a safety, so you need to be extremely careful with a loaded weapon.

The hammer is inertial type, spring-loaded. It is possible to move the hammer to the extreme forward position, even if there is a cartridge in the chamber, which will reduce the pressure of the firing pin on the primer.

There is no clutch on the bolt, and the bolt stop is located on the left side of the frame. Engineers, by changing the shape of the recess for the disconnector in the gate, were able to achieve smooth operation of the entire automation system.

The sighting mechanism is a non-adjustable rear sight coupled with a thin front sight. There are no particular complaints about its work, except for one thing - it is impossible to conduct high-speed shooting at a short distance from the target.

The manufacturer has placed a special latch on the base of the trigger guard; its purpose is to quickly remove the magazine.

Pistol performance characteristics:

  • Length 180 mm, of which the barrel accounts for 101.
  • The height and width of the weapon are 130 and 28 mm, respectively.
  • Weight without magazine is 840 g.
  • The magazine contains 8 rounds of 10x32 caliber.

Despite all the advantages of the good old TT, it cannot be called beautiful. But the TTK is quite modern and pleasant to the eye. Judge for yourself - there are no unnecessary details on the body, the external simplicity of the design looks predatory. Here is a vivid example of the fact that even trauma can look not just formidable, but also aesthetically pleasing in appearance.

Although this is only a subjective indicator, all users agree on one thing - the absence of protruding parts on the body allows you to quickly remove the pistol from a holster or pocket if necessary.


The TTK F OP pistol and its other variants are excellent weapons. It has excellent technical characteristics, thoughtful design and high reliability, which are the main indicators of a quality device.

Due to the design of the frame, you will have to get used to it. The main disadvantage is the straight angle of the handle, which reduces the comfort of grip of the weapon. The problem can be solved very simply - just carry out a few training shootings at the firing range, then the hand will get used to the handle and there will be no problems with this in the future.

The pistol can be safely used as the main weapon for regular self-defense. Its dimensions make it easy to carry it covertly. Handling an injury will be as convenient as possible when using a special holster. The high working life reserve will allow this pistol to be used not only for self-defense, but also for sports and recreational shooting. You just need to remember to regularly clean the bore, and also check the serviceability of all parts that bear the main load during shooting.


It has been repeatedly stated that the pistol requires 10x32 caliber cartridges. Their peculiarity is that the length is as close as possible to live ammunition. All this makes the ammunition quite powerful. Naturally, without exceeding the norms established by law.

It is worth noting that this ammunition is AKBS’s own production. Initially, it was envisaged that the pistol would be equipped with 9 mm RA, but then the developers decided that they themselves could produce the required ammunition.

So buyers will not be able to purchase charges from another company; fortunately, the specified ammunition can be easily found in any gun store. The manufacturer guarantees quality at a very reasonable cost.

Modern self-defense

The group presented PYa in the popular 10x28T caliber. This event was awaited by many fans of both Russian weapons in general and weapons chambered for the 10x28T cartridge in particular. What did we get in the new pistol?

Firstly, as I already said, the cartridge is 10x28T

. It is considered more successful, since the weapon-cartridge complex in the .45 Rubber version sometimes loses precisely due to the quality of the “45” caliber cartridges.

Secondly, we got the magazine capacity increased to the maximum - 10 rounds.

Maybe for some, one cartridge is not a big difference at all. For me, the “more is better” principle works. Unless absolutely necessary (for example, for concealed carry), I would not choose a weapon with a small magazine capacity.

Thirdly, thanks to the appearance of the MP-356 on the market, those wishing to buy weapons now have a choice between calibers

, as in the case of traumatic PM (MR-79-9TM and MR-80-13T).
True, the PYa, which is obvious, is sold in the 10x28T version, and not 9 r.a.

Like the MP-353, the MP-356 comes with a spare magazine, which is a very nice addition for the owner of a limited-kill weapon. MP-356 pistols from fresh batches work normally out of the box, without any problems. The bullet passes through the barrel freely and does not explode. At the same time, the barrel itself is quite thick, which gives confidence in its reliability. Thanks to the availability of a wide range of traumatic action cartridges (PTD) 10x28T, the gun owner can choose the optimal PTD to achieve the best performance from his pistol.

Pros and cons of weapons

Everyone who has already purchased this pistol notes the following advantages:

  • subtlety;
  • no protruding parts on the body;
  • light weight;
  • operation is simple;
  • relatively low cost - about 35-40 thousand rubles.

Among the disadvantages we can note:

  • handle standing at right angles;
  • difficulty in using the bolt stop lever, which practically does not protrude above the frame, and it is difficult to grasp it;
  • the hook is too sharp and tight; for an untrained shooter, the shot always occurs too sharply, even if he expects it.

Appearance of the TTK pistol

When developing this tool, the manufacturer invested not only effort into creating a high-quality and reliable product, but also making sure it turned out great. Despite the fact that the base was taken from an old combat TT, the design of the TTK OP turned out to be very modern and pleasant.

It came out ordinary and beautiful, catching the eye of every person. The body does not have any unnecessary parts. This pistol is an example of the fact that when developing a high-quality traumatic weapon, it is necessary to pay close attention not only to quality, but also to appearance.

In any case, the appearance of the weapon is a personal indicator. Some people will like it, some won't. All this is a matter of taste and personal preference of each consumer. The main feature of the external appearance of the TTK pistol and other variants is that there are no protruding parts on the body that would interfere with the quick removal of the weapon from a pocket or holster.

Where can I buy

You can easily buy this injury at any gun store. You can also order in the online store. In this case, the cost will be slightly lower - from 31 to 33 thousand, but there is a risk of running into scammers.

In addition, it is worth remembering that special permission is required to purchase it. It is issued by the licensing department of the Russian Guard, but only after completing special courses, following which you need to pass exams for admission.

Without a license, they simply will not sell you an injury, as this is a criminal offense. Of course, you can purchase it illegally, but if such a weapon is found on you, you will be held accountable by law for illegal storage and carrying of traumatic weapons.

From all of the above, the following conclusion can be drawn. The pistol is simply excellent, its reliability is not inferior to the original, but it takes some getting used to for quality shooting from it. However, everything is decided by training shooting.

Р226Т TK-Pro caliber 10x28: 119 comments

Hello! Recently I heard from a seller in a gun store that the Tekhkrim plant has modified the barrel for the P226 TK-Pro 10x28 pistol, and it (the pistol) “eats” any 10x28 traumatic cartridges. Is it so? If yes, then in what month of 2016 did such pistols begin to be produced?

Good afternoon. This is not true, there were no improvements.

Hello. Please tell me how soon the plant will start producing new p226t-tk pro?

Good afternoon It is planned to resume production in the first quarter of 2022. In terms of assembly and characteristics, they will be identical to the previous ones.

Hello. Please tell me when the r 226 t-tk PRO will be available in stores

Good afternoon We will begin their production in March. They will go on sale in April.

Good afternoon. Have you started production of this model, as you said in March, or have the dates been postponed? Can we expect the products to appear in retail stores in April? Thank you.

Hello! Please clarify the issue with prices, previously the average price was around 45k, when you stopped production it rose to 50-55k, now some sites offer for 80k, others on prepayment for 60k with an increase to 70k when a new batch actually arrives. As a result, in what range is the average market price planned?

About the disadvantages

According to experts, the handle of a combat TT is not suitable for comfortable use. Its main drawback is that it is tilted at a right angle, making it impossible to shoot the pistol offhand, since the barrel channel will be lower than the target. Considering this fact, experts recommend that owners of these “injuries” practice at the training ground: to effectively use pistols with a similar design feature, you need to have the appropriate skills.

Judging by the reviews of the owners, the TTK is equipped with an inconvenient bolt stop lever. In an effort to prevent the “injury” from clinging to clothing, the lever was made too small. However, you can get used to this feature over time. The trigger is also not very comfortable, since it is not characterized by a smooth movement.

They produce the TTK-F 10x32 pistol. The basis for the “trauma” was the combat Tulsky-Tokarev. The differences lie only in some design changes. High-strength weapons-grade steel was used to make all parts.

With the exception of the cheeks and handles, the design of the traumatic product does not contain light alloys or plastic. According to experts, the main advantage of the TTK-F is its barrel: it is steel and has thick walls, for which there are no provisions for weakening. The upper part of the barrel channel is equipped with a partition. Thanks to its smoothed shape, damage and deformation of thrown equipment is eliminated during shooting. In other words, the whole ball moves towards the target. If it is necessary to clean the “injury”, judging by the reviews of the owners, there are no difficulties in this. The traumatic weapon is equipped with a removable trigger mechanism that can be easily disconnected from the pistol frame. The TTK-F is equipped with a single-action trigger and an outdated trigger, like in a combat TT. Locking the firing mechanism, namely the bolt, hammer and trigger, is performed by pre-cocking the hammer. According to the owners, it needs to be cocked until a characteristic click is heard. Pistol clips, like those in the TTK, are designed for 8 charges. However, unlike the previous version, the TTK-F has a stationary front sight and an adjustable rear sight: it can be moved in any direction. Thanks to this design feature, the process of zeroing in an “injury” has become much easier. The traumatic firearms product is equipped with a passport, a brush for caring for the barrel, a clip and a special drift, which makes it easy to disassemble the pistol. The cost of TTK-F is up to 31 thousand rubles.

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