How to tie a person's hands with a belt? Instructions and photos

How to open handcuffs without a key? Actual problems

As a rule, in the process of getting rid of handcuffs, problems arise associated either with the inability to find the necessary tool, or with going inside. It is important to note that the latter is not relevant for the BRS-2 model, since it is endowed with its through type.

In addition, there are BOS handcuffs, which have a distinctive feature (i.e., they do not have a chain between the bracelets). In this case, the owner’s hands become numb and very painful in a short period of time due to limited movement. So, even if you have a key in your hands, it is not always possible to open the lock. There is only one consolation: such handcuffs are not widely used in society, probably because of their extreme cruelty.

Precautionary measures

Don't forget that even if you know how to tie someone's hands with a belt, and know how to do it so that the person will never get free, there are safety precautions. They should be especially remembered by those who use tying up not for the purpose of neutralizing an inadequate person, but for the sake of some kind of game with a friend whom they would not like to injure.

The belt may cause burns if its edges rub against your skin. To prevent this, it is necessary to tighten the handcuffs tightly enough so that they do not dangle on the wrists. However, you shouldn’t overdo it, because if you squeeze the blood vessels on your hands, you can disrupt the blood flow. For the same reason, you should not leave handcuffs on your hands for too long.

What is shibari

The art of shibari originates from the Japanese martial techniques of hojo-jutsu binding. Their goal was not only to immobilize the captive, but also to emphasize his social status - for this, different methods of binding were used. With the end of the wars, bondage techniques migrated into everyday life: women replaced the captives, and the process itself began to be valued for the beauty of bondage.

Now shibari is, first of all, the art of aesthetic rope bandage, which is not devoid of meditative properties. And of course, it has an erotic connotation: shibari can be used to fix a partner (usually, but not necessarily, a woman). In addition, individual elements of the harness can affect its erogenous zones.

How to apply this technique in your personal life is up to everyone to decide for themselves. The main thing is to remember: above all else is mutual desire and, especially at first, caution. Everything else largely depends only on your imagination.

The history of handcuffs

It is believed that handcuffs first appeared during the invention of metalworking. Then these were heavy shackles that were closed and removed only in the forge. These were so-called “handcuffs” without a key. Before this, ropes or other suitable objects were used to tie the hands of the detainees. All of these items had many shortcomings. Revolutionary changes occurred at the beginning of the 20th century, when a reusable mechanism in the form of bows was invented. They rotated freely, and the handcuffs themselves were adjusted to the size of people’s wrists.


Tying with a rope and Tying with a rope and option, the rope is folded around the hands. Tie between the hands, fix the hands. Insert your hand into the other hand, place the rope with both hands, fix the hands. Rope tying Rope tying is a variant of tying where quick tying is used to tying this up to break free. The tying is done around the loop and the two loops should Throw the loops over the rope loops opposite the opposite loop. the second loop. Tighten the loops with tightened loops. tighten the loops of this people. The hinges could

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Handcuffing procedure

Before use, the case for handcuffs is opened, in which the locking device of the product remains unlocked in its primary position.

  1. In order to put on handcuffs, you need to hold them with your hand in the area of ​​the locking device. Next, applying the sector to the offender’s wrist, press the locking device so that the sector rotates along its axis one hundred and eighty degrees and passes into the locking device. Then, pressing the sector in the direction of movement with such force that possible removal of the hand or excessive compression of the wrist, which can lead to disturbances in blood circulation, is excluded, put on a handcuff;
  2. After putting on the handcuffs and after establishing the required size (the bracelets should fit tightly around the wrists, and the hands should be easy to turn and fit snugly against the secured handcuffs), the locking mechanisms are moved to fixed positions. For these purposes, in handcuffs of the BR type, a key is inserted into the locking mechanism, which is turned clockwise, and in handcuffs of the BR-S type, the tail part of the key must lock the pusher.

Another way

You can also make something like handcuffs from a belt. To do this, insert the belt into the buckle as if you were fastening a belt on trousers. Tighten to form a loop slightly larger than your wrist; the person being tied’s hand should fit into this loop. This is the first ring of our handcuffs.

Bend the remaining end into a figure eight, as you see in the photo below, thread the end into the buckle again, but on the other side.

Now make a circle with the belt around the resulting figure eight and thread the belt through the buckle again.

Hands are inserted into the holes and the end of the strap is pulled until the strap is tightly wrapped around the wrists of the person being tied. This belt can be fastened to another, then you get something like a leash, or tied to something static (for example, to a pole). You can also make a locking knot to make it impossible to free your hands.

Experimental confirmation!

In the experiment, which was carried out to test the effectiveness of the scheme, the specialized police mechanism BRS-2 was used. So, it was put on a person’s hands, after which the experimenters went in search of paper clips. As it turned out during the operation, it is important not to miss three main points:

  • Before you open handcuffs without a key with a paperclip, you should first get your bearings. For example, the BRS-2 has a pass-through lock, which allows you to insert the key from any side. And it opens by moving towards the far edge of the lock block.
  • It should be noted that a massive paperclip will be an absolute advantage, because it bends less and has little chance of breaking. You should form one end of it like a key tongue, then insert it and twist it in the desired direction. Of course, you will need to try for 10-15 minutes, nevertheless, freedom is close, and in the end everything will work out!
  • Only a thin paperclip was found? It’s great, because with its help you can create a real duplicate of the keys! BRS-2 has two plates that fix the teeth of the bracelet, which justifies the presence of a double tongue on the key.

Classification of lock opening methods

How to make a spear tip at home
The easiest to solve the problem of how to open handcuffs without a key, if you are new to this matter, are bracelets without an active latch, which, as a rule, is located on the plane of the handcuffs below the lock. As noted above, the exception of the lever being recessed into the hole indicates the inactivity of the latch. In addition, some models of handcuffs do not contain it at all.

In any case, the process diagram is as follows: the teeth of the moving part contact the grip, as a result of which the pawl falls and the handcuffs close. The key lifts it and the mechanism opens. This means that it is possible to fake the pawl manually, by moving the wire between the teeth and then grabbing it.

If there is a lock, it will not be so easy for beginners to disable it, but amateurs will carry out this operation without much difficulty by turning the tool counterclockwise

It is important to note that extreme care must be taken when turning to prevent the lock from re-engaging. Only professionals in this matter will be able to open the BRS-2 handcuffs, because their lock has a particularly complex structure. The corresponding process is described above

The corresponding process is described above.

About belts

For whatever purposes you use the knowledge of how to tie your hands with a belt, you need to know which belt is best to use. First, let's talk about the material. There are nylon straps; It’s better to forget about them if you don’t want to damage the skin of the person being tied, besides, synthetic materials have another significant drawback: products made of nylon, be it a rope or a belt, slip a lot, this will complicate the process of tying a knot. An artificial leather belt will cope with the task much better, however, it may not be elastic and flexible enough, and after the procedure, creases may form on such a belt, which subsequently precludes the use of the accessory for its intended purpose. As you may have guessed, the best option is a belt made of genuine leather: it is quite soft and will not leave marks on the body, elastic and flexible, thanks to which it can easily be bent and tied into the necessary knot, genuine leather is a fairly wear-resistant material, so a product made from it will serve you well long no matter how you use it.

Why do we need this?

Imagine this case: you are calmly walking down the street and suddenly you see that not far from you there is a robbery going on! Some impressively sized scoundrel takes a handbag from a defenseless girl and runs away with his prey... But that was not the case, because you ran across the criminal, caught up with him and knocked him to the ground with an accurate strong blow to the back. The scoundrel is neutralized, the purse is returned to the frightened victim, all that remains is to call the police and take the thief straight to the police station. But how to deal with such a big guy before law enforcement arrives, how to keep him in place so that he doesn’t run away and decide to try his luck elsewhere? You just need to fix his hands.

Of course, such situations quite rarely, fortunately for us, happen in real life. But even if you meet an ordinary hooligan painting the walls of a library, encounter a drunken rowdy breaking the windows of a store, or see an inadequate bully tripping passers-by, then such an ability as tying your hands with a belt will not be superfluous. This can be done, so to speak, in the field using improvised means. Tying your hands correctly with a belt is not an easy task, so in order to be ready to apply knowledge in practice, you must first practice.

Tying up a guy

Yes, yes, there are no rules according to which a bandage can only be applied to girls.

If you feel interested in the role of a submissive (submissive), there is nothing shameful or abnormal in this. Discuss your fantasies with your friend, and it is possible that she will be pleased to be your mistress.

And even if the idea of ​​submission doesn’t turn you on at all, we still recommend trying to experiment with immobilization.

The lack of control and the teasing tricks that a girl can do with you while you are tied up (discuss which ones in advance) can give you completely new, vivid impressions and lead to a more intense orgasm.

As they say, until you try it, you can’t say whether you like it or not.

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