TT-T - traumatic landing platform based on a combat TT

In the wonderful spring of 2011, for the first time on the shelves of gun stores, buyers discovered a new traumatic weapon, which was called TT-T. This weapon was made on the basis of the popular combat TT, which is why people did not immediately decide to buy new traumatic weapons on this basis, since they were aware of the sad attempts from the past to adapt TTs for traumatic charges. In fact, it turned out that the result was a passable traumatic pistol, which surpassed many popular models in its characteristics.

General information about the TT-T pistol

The AKBS company began producing this port. The ingenuity of the designers, who made minimal changes to the original TT mechanisms, made this weapon successful. The TT-T traumatic pistol has excellent quality and high reliability due to the fact that a minimum number of components are installed here, which were produced specifically for it from scratch.

We can say that everything here remains without any significant changes. Of course, due to the transfer of weapons to traumatic cartridges, the designers were unable to preserve the original automatic operation scheme. Here the shutter operates in a free mode, which, in principle, is found in all models of traumatic weapons. The developers resorted to this step due to the fact that the 10x28T cartridges used cannot provide the same power as combat charges, which is necessary for the correct operation of native automation.

The designers found a clever way out of this situation so as not to make major changes to the design of the TT-T pistol. All stops were removed from the bolt, they were left on the barrel, and the barrel itself was rigidly fastened to the frame of the weapon.

As for the safety of this weapon when carried regularly, first of all, you need to remember that it has taken over all the shortcomings of its TT base. The fuse is completely absent here; its place is taken by a safety trigger cocking, which will not be able to protect the owner from an accidental shot in the event of any fall.

You also need to remember that the TT-T pistol is not a new weapon, it is simply made on the basis of an old one, while almost all the original spare parts were preserved. The trigger mechanism is already worn out, which increases the likelihood of an accidental discharge. For this reason, carrying such a weapon is not only prohibited loaded at the legislative level, but also unsafe for the shooter himself, which must be remembered first of all.

The main attractiveness of this weapon lies not only in its reliability, which it adopted from its base, but also in the fact that it has great historical value. Since the marks are not removed from the body when converting a weapon into a traumatic weapon, they can be used to determine what kind of life the gun has experienced, what places it has visited, and much more. In fact, this is not just a pistol for civilian self-defense, but a whole piece of history.

AKBS were engaged in converting TTs produced in 1933, but now that a law has been passed prohibiting the conversion of military weapons into traumatic ones, the future of this line is unclear. However, their sale was not prohibited, so they can still be found in gun stores or purchased from someone else.

Perhaps in the future, AKBS will revive the TT-T traumatic pistol, inventing it anew, from scratch, but so that it matches its TT progenitor. But, whatever one may say, this will be a completely new, unique traumatic pistol.

Summing up

A sample of a weapon for self-defense, assembled on the basis of which the TT combat pistol is made, has both a lot of positive qualities and many contradictory parameters. To handle it, you need to have both great accuracy and strength in your hand (since the TT-T has a large mass and size). It is impossible to carry it covertly and, moreover, it could potentially cause injury to the owner.

But those who like to track the history of weapons will be pleased. And here this could not be more relevant, because... No one removed the factory markings displayed on the pistols. Perhaps the acquired injury took part in some famous battle, saw military conflicts abroad, or belonged to a famous military officer. Tracing the battle path is not difficult, and interested people can easily do so.

TT-T barrel design

Our review will not do without talking about the barrel of a traumatic weapon, because here it receives special attention. The fact is that, as a rule, when converting a combat pistol into a traumatic one, instead of the original barrel, a tube of the required diameter is installed, that is, the original barrel is completely replaced. The TT-T traumatic pistol was the first of its kind, where the original barrel, designed for the use of combat charges, was left.

Of course, this could not have happened without some changes, otherwise the weapon simply would not have passed the required certification. To do this, a special pin was installed directly in front of the chamber, which covers the barrel bore by a third. The peculiarity here is the close location of the pin to the chamber. Since the bullet does not yet have time to gain speed when fired, there is a small load on the pin, which greatly reduces the possibility of its breakage.

The rifling from the bore was also removed. The designers worked hard on this and did everything so well that re-polishing the barrel bore after purchasing the TT-T will not be necessary. Of course, you can polish it at your own discretion, but this will not affect shooting in any way. We can only note that the TT-T pistol will be easier to clean after use.


Before moving on to a detailed description of the TT-T, it is necessary to understand its progenitor, the Tokarev combat pistol. It was developed back in 1929 by the designer, whose last name it bears, for a competition held by the government in order to find a new small arms that could replace the Nagan system revolver then in use. Also in service were several other representatives of this type of weapon, only produced abroad.

The commission that determined the winner recognized TT as the best option. However, the condition was set that the design must be modified so that it could meet all the requirements of the troops. In particular, it was necessary to increase shooting accuracy, which is one of the most important indicators. Also, the original version had a rather difficult descent, which was also modified. Already in 1930, additional tests were carried out, demonstrating the suitability of the TT for combat use. In 1931, the first batch of pistols, consisting of 1000 pieces, was delivered. And in the same year, the TT was adopted by the Red Army.

TT-T pistol ammunition

In the review, we could not help but mention the cartridges that are used when shooting this weapon. The cartridges used here are 10x28T, the production of which is also carried out by the AKBS company. At one time they replaced the outdated 10x22. The main advantage of these charges is that they are similar in length to 9x19 live ammunition. In the future, this may help to significantly expand the number of versions of these charges.

These cartridges have a whole history of changes. Initially, they were a charge with a bullet ball protruding far beyond the cartridge case. This design sometimes led to problems with jamming during reloading.

To correct this shortcoming, AKBS decided to strongly roll the liner along the edges. Thus, thanks to the sloping edges, the problem with feeding cartridges into the chamber was resolved. However, this led to a decrease in the characteristics of the charges and rupture of the edges of the cartridge case.

Ultimately, the designers came to the most optimal option. They decided to return to the old case design and place the bullet deeper into the cartridge body so that it did not protrude beyond the edges. Thus, the problems with rupture of the edges of the sleeve and poor feeding into the chamber were solved.

As for the quality of the charges themselves, it, like the rest of the AKBS company’s products, is at a high level. The TT-T pistol can receive an increase in the power of 10x28T cartridges if this is allowed at the legislative level, since their design allows this to be done. In addition, the gun barrel, which was mentioned above, can also increase power, because it was originally intended for combat charges.

Reason for discontinuation of production

However, it is not only traumatic cartridges that contribute to a miss. There is no barrel on the pistol; instead, a simulator is presented. The tube, which is the device, has thin walls and a larger diameter than a bullet. This greatly affects the deterioration of shooting accuracy and has a bad effect on its accuracy. The manufacturer tried to eliminate the shortcoming by reducing the number of bullets in the cartridge to 1 piece. But this often led to the guide sleeve breaking off. Soon the TT “Leader” pistol went out of production.

Pros and cons of TT-T

In this review, we will talk about the main pros and cons of this weapon, which every potential buyer should know about. What is it as a tool for self-defense, what disadvantages and advantages does it have?

First of all, appearance. Yes, in fact, this pistol is a complete copy of the combat TT. But it was known only in the distant 90s, when any passerby could have it. Then he instilled fear and horror in his opponents, but now he will not have such an effect. The enemy will either immediately understand that this is a traumatic attack, or even think that this is a mock-up. Therefore, if necessary, you will have to shoot accurately.

The shooting quality can easily be considered one of the advantages of this weapon. Since 10x28T cartridges have good characteristics, plus they are always flawlessly produced by AKBS, you can be sure of the high efficiency of each hit on the target. Of course, only a few layers of thick winter clothing can protect the enemy.

Other advantages include ease of maintenance, high-quality operation of all mechanisms, and excellent reliability.

The negative points in the reviews include very controversial points, with the exception of one. The main disadvantage is the lack of a normal fuse. Without it, it is impossible to carry a loaded TT-T, since if it falls, it may accidentally fire. This can happen in a crowded place, which will lead to the appearance of an injured party. Then you won't be able to avoid problems with the law. The inability to load the pistol in advance is a significant disadvantage, since for its owner this can be a decisive moment in the event of an unexpected attack.

The remaining disadvantages that will be in this review can be called individual. So, these include the impressive size of the pistol. Of course, it is not huge, but it stands out compared to other traumatic weapons for self-defense. A person with a thin build will not be able to wear it covertly, but a person with, for example, an athletic body will be able to do it easily. Also, many experts highlight the weight of the weapon, which also stands out against the background of all Russian trauma. But here, too, everything is purely individual. If worn regularly, after 2-3 weeks the weight of the gun will not be felt at all.

The technical characteristics of this weapon are as follows:

  • Cartridges 10x28T;
  • 195 millimeters in length;
  • Barrel length - 116 millimeters;
  • 130 millimeters in height;
  • 28 millimeters wide;
  • The weight of the unloaded gun is 850 grams;
  • The magazine holds 8 rounds.

Conclusion about traumatic TT

First of all, this pistol will be of interest to history buffs. Anyone can get into the hands of a once-military weapon, which, quite likely, took part in the war.

The TT-T will be an excellent self-defense tool for people with a large build who cannot get used to small traumatic pistols that they have to disassemble and reassemble almost under a microscope. This tool is great for large hands.

Overall, to sum up this review, this pistol is a good self-defense weapon for anyone, if you close your eyes to its size. It is easy to use, low maintenance and reliable. In addition, it has an average price, so anyone can afford it.

( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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